Kaanal's Koviloor Eye Hospital is offering Eye Care Education and Vision Screening for School children free of cost as a part of a Community Programme as well as a measure to control blindness among school children. The Hospital contacts the schools within 10 kilometre radius for easy accessibility to avail treatment and follow up services. It also screens schools far away on request.
A team of well trained paramedical staff from the hospital goes to the school premises and screens the entire school except KG children.This process identifies the children with visual problems as well as children with low vision or blindness.
The hospital came across many children with low vision or blindness from the vision screening programmes and they are guided for better performance in their education. The teachers are advised to seek professional support from our hospital if they have difficulty in teaching any of the educational concepts for the special children.
An unique “ Womb To Tomb ( WTT ) ” program in collaboration with ACM Medical Foundation, Chennai and KEH is providing Eye care to over 260 Villages covered by 15 Primary Health Care Centers ( PHC ) covering a radius of over 60 Kilometers. WTT is supported by over 60 trained health care workers reaching door steps of every individual living in these villages. A well-equipped eye mobile unit with state-of-the-art equipment along with Ophthalmologist and general physicians visit these 15 PHCs every month following pre-announced schedule. Since its inauguration KEH has treated over 5000 patients till date. No fees are charged for these services.